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Moscow, Russia 9AM-6PM MO-FR

+7 495 768 38 28


The food industry is one of the main and steadily developing areas in the economy of any nation, because each of the 8 billion people needs a constant source of energy to function. But the extraction of food, as our ancestors understood it, is far in the past, having been replaced by a more modern form - a trip to the store, and not everyone can grow their own food, although more and more people think about it year after year.

That is why food production is burdened with the enormous challenge of processing large quantities of plant and animal products. In the course of complex and multi-stage technological processes a lot of waste is naturally generated. And if most of it is disposed of long ago and without any special problems or finds a more effective use, the utilization and rational use of oil and fat waste is a real headache for the producers and processors of oilseeds, meat and milk. In terms of strength, it can only be compared with the headache of the owners of catering enterprises, where frying, in particular fruitier. Let's not forget about companies that produce non-food products, such as cosmetics or medicines, also faced with the problem of elimination of oil and fat waste from their production activities. But why are oils and fats so dangerous and why do they require much more attention and costs than if they were ordinary food waste?

Environmental damage

Since lipids, which include fats, are insoluble in water, in case of direct penetration of fat fractions of plant or animal origin into rivers and ponds, a thin film is formed on the surface, which can quickly spread over quite large areas. For this reason, the penetration of sunlight and air into the water is significantly deteriorated, which in the long term exposure can be fatal for fish, algae, bacteria and other inhabitants of water pools. In some cases, bypassing filtration systems, chemicals used in oil and fats production in technological chains or added subsequently, in order to dissolve fats in the sewage system also get into rivers and lakes. When there is no way to dispose of industrial waste into a sewer system or pond, careless plant owners pour potentially hazardous wastewater directly into the soil or, as they say, onto the landscape. These effluents can negatively affect the properties of the soil, and later through groundwater they get into the same rivers, lakes, and water reservoirs. All of the above can lead to a local environmental disaster. Therefore, the discharge of fat-and-oil wastes into water reservoirs or soil, as well as their removal to landfills, together with SHW (solid household wastes) is prohibited, and MAC for fat in industrial wastewater which enters the sewage system, are strictly regulated and checked periodically. For violation of the law, the perpetrator faces a hefty fine.

Clogging of pipelines

Due to its physical and chemical characteristics, fats, over time, settle and gradually accumulate on the walls of metal pipes of the plumbing system. It starts with a barely noticeable film, but later, if you continue to drain oil and fat waste into the sewer system and do not take comprehensive measures to clean the pipes, the accumulated fat begins to form solid masses. Then decomposition and decomposition processes begin in them, there is a persistent unpleasant odor coming from the drain holes. The accumulation of a solid mass of grease can cause sewage to become difficult to drain due to the sewer system losing its capacity. Over time, clogs will become permanent, and the company itself will suffer in the first place, having to periodically spend money on an inherently temporary solution to the problem

Fire risks  

Oils and fats of vegetable and animal origin are dominated by solid and liquid glycerides of saturated and unsaturated acids. These substances have a high fire hazard, can self-heat under certain conditions and release a lot of energy during combustion. If the general safety rules and the above-mentioned properties of oils and fats, and hence the oil and fat waste, are violated, accidental ignition (and in some cases spontaneous combustion) and even explosion may occur at the plant. This can be fraught with casualties, material, reputational and other losses

That is why food production is burdened with the enormous challenge of processing large quantities of plant and animal products. In the complicated and multi-stage technological processes a lot of waste is naturally generated. And if most of it is disposed of long before and without any special problems or finds a more effective application, the utilization and rational use of oil and fat waste is a real headache for the producers and processors of oilseeds, meat and milk. In terms of strength, it can only be compared with the headache of the owners of catering enterprises, where frying, in particular fruitier Let's not forget about the enterprises that produce non-food products, such as cosmetics or medicines, which also face the problem of elimination of oil and fat waste from their production activities.



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